时间定为2024年6月29日到7月1日在圭尔夫大学RidgeTown校区进行。 2024 Retreat will be held at U of Guelph Ridge Town campus from June 29th to July 1st.
本次退修会提供线上/邮件/线下3种报名方式,请各位弟兄姊妹及朋友选择你适应的方式报名。We support online/paper registeration both this year. For brothers and sisters, please choose the best way to reach out.
晨鸟折扣截止注册时间为5月19日 2024年 (星期天)。注册费用如下图所示: Early Bird Registration Deadline to be Sunday May 19, 2024. Registration fee will be listed below:
晨鸟费 Early Bird Fee | 常规费 Regualr Fee | |
成人 Audlt (18+) | $180 | 220 |
小孩 Child (3 – 18) | $60 | 100 |
小孩 Child (0 – 2) | FREE | FREE |
Eail Transfer 备注 EMT Note
若使用email transfer提交费用,请将注册费用emt到 offering@bramptoncbc.org 并在附加信息中注明如下信息:RETREAT + {紧急联系电话} + {注册人数}. If you are using email transfer to pay the registeration fee, please send to offering@bramptoncbc.org and add extra text message under the transaction: RETREAT + {emergency contact} + {number of people for registeration}
请弟兄姊妹务必在EMT中备注中留下退修会注册信息和你的联系方式,例如: RETREAT + 9057912124 + 4. Please always leave your contact infomation when sending with EMT, e.g. RETREAT + 9057912124 + 4.
线下报名 Form Registeration:
请在教会司事台领取报名表。认真填写报名信息后请和注册费一并在崇拜后交回司事台同工。若有任何疑问,请邮件联系 support@bramptoncbc.org 获取更多信息。
Please get the registration form at the front desk at Church. After filling in the registration information carefully, please return it to the co-workers at the front desk after the worship along with the registration fee. If you have any questions, please contact support@bramptoncbc.org for more information.
邮件报名 Emai Registeration:
请点击下载以下的pdf文件并仔细阅读后填写报名信息后提交到support@bramptoncbc.org。Please download the pdf file listed below and read carefully. Fill out the form and sign it, send to support@bramptoncbc.org
若使用EMT支付,请严格遵循遵循支付附加信息。 If pay with email transfer, please follow the rule for extra message under the transaction.
线上报名 Online Registration:
请仔细阅读以下信息并提交表格。线上报名按照家庭为单位,提供5个待选人员信息,请按照你实际报名人数勾选。每个成员将以数字标记在最前面区分。当填写完成报名表后,请点击最下方的提交按钮。当后台收到你家庭的报名信息后的24小时内会有一封确认邮件发送到你的邮箱,请查收并确认信息的完整性。 Please read the following information carefully and submit the form. Online registration is based on the family unit, provide the information of 5 candidates to be selected, please check according to your actual number of applicants. Each member will be distinguished by a number mark at the top. Once you have completed the registration form, please click the Submit button at the bottom. A confirmation email will be sent to your email within 24 hours after receiving your family’s registration information, please check and confirm the completeness of the information.
1, One room has two single beds only 所有房间只有两张单人床
2, 如果你可以3人共同使用一个房间, 例如父母和儿童,请写下你们的姓名If a family of three want to share a room, for example father, mother and a child, please write down your names here
3, 分配房间若有计划意愿室友,请备注。 If you have a roommate who plans to allocate a room, please make a note.
4, 晨鸟报名从4月14日开始,5月19日结束。Early Bird Registrationstarts from April 14 and ends on May 19, 2024.
5. 入住登记时间:6月29日早上10点至12点。 退修会在7月1日午餐后结束, 下午2点前 必须交钥匙离开校园。Sign-in at Gulph university Ridgetown campus starts from 10:00am to 12:00pm on June 29th, 2024. Retreat will end after lunch on July 1st. 2024. Please return the keys and leave campus by 2:00pm.
Please read the guidelines below. By signing and selecting the online registration method, you acknowledge and agree to the personal information and the content of the agreement.
1,如果父母不能与19岁以下之子女共同参加退修会者,请指定一位19岁以上之人为监护人,此人在退修会期间需要负责被监护人之各项事宜及行为。 In case the parents of a participant under the age of 19 years old is not able to attend the retreat, that person’s parents / guardians must designate an adult “guardian” (a participant at the retreat ages 19 and up), who will be responsible for the child at the time of registration for the weekend.
2,本人应事先有安全及健康上之预防, 但若于退修会期间有意外或疾病发生,宾顿市华人浸信会、Ridgetown College, 其职员及义工应免除其责. 若有事故发生並需要特別的医药、X-光或治疗,我的紧急事故联络人将会被立刻通知;若有手术上的需要,我将全权给宾顿市华人浸信会选择医生的权力,以确保获得正确的治疗、注射、麻醉或手术。我需要确定我是受到安省保健计划或与其同等的保险。 Precautions are taken for the safety and health of me, but in the event of an accident or sickness, Brampton Chinese Baptist Church, Ridgetown College, its staff and its volunteers are hereby released from any liability. In the event that I require special medication, X-Rays, or treatment, my emergency contact will be notified immediately. In case of surgical emergency, I hereby give permission to the physician selected by Brampton Chinese Baptist Church to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and to order injection, anaesthesia or surgery for me as named above. I must be covered by Provincial Health Insurance or equivalent medical insurance.
3, 我完全负责我(或为监护人)的青年/儿童在退修会中的品行、行为和安全。 I am (or as a designated guardian is) fully responsible for the conduct, behaviour and safety of my youth/child(ren) throughout the retreat.
4, 我必定遵循退修会守則及完全负责我在退修会中的品行、行为和安全。 I will follow the Retreat Rules and Regulations and I am fully responsible for my own conduct, behaviour and safety throughout the retreat.
5,若本人在行为上会令事故发生,我应接受大会的处理方式,包括需自费被送回家(如果本人是19岁以下,亦需包括本人之家长或监护人)。 In the event that I conduct myself in a manner that is disruptive, I will be dealt with appropriately, including the possibility of being sent home immediately at my expense (or parent/ guardian’s expense if I am under 19 years old).
我了解及同意以上所说的条文。我亦确保本表格的个人资料属实和正确,並在以下签名: I, the below signed, understand and agree to the above statement ensure the information given is accurate: